Final Post - Valery Gillis

I am amazed and so very grateful for the opportunity that I have had through this class. I truly believe that the best and most important learning experiences happen outside of a traditional classroom. In this class, we have been able to learn more at every turn. I know that I have learned a lot about ecotourism, globalism, and travel during this course. I cannot wait to apply what I have learned and learn more in the future. Between travelling to the sanctuary of Asclepios, the island of Hydra, and the beautiful city of Thessaloniki, I am not sure what I could pick for my favorite but I can say that this has been an amazing experience and I hope to return to Greece again in the future.
I also want to send out a special thank you to all those who made this class possible. You have positively impacted the lives of many and your hard work is greatly appreciated.

-          Valery



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